Thoughtful & Timely Political Discourse Thru Blue Colored Lenses

Monday, November 29, 2010

Three Blind Mice

Michael Medved, Monica Crowley, Dennis Prager

by Emily Steinberg

Today was an auspicious one in the land of Oz, sorry, The Home of the Brave.
The dump of WikiLeak diplomatic documents keeps growing and somehow it seems as though it's the tip of the old iceberg in terms of the hacking that's bound to come. So, let us turn to a more comfortably mundane and yet equally disturbing subject, Right Wing Radio Hosts.

Michael Medved was once a reknowned film critic and he lent a refreshing level of intelligence and insight to the genre. I thought highly of what he had to say. Then he moved into political commentary and it was a shock when I came upon his program as I perused thru AM radio- land, listening to the pulse of Red America. There was Mr. Medved, sounding as articulate and intelligent as ever, except he was praising President Bush and decrying Healthcare Reform. It took me a moment to realize it was the same person that I had respected for so many years. These days when I listen to Medved's show, my blood is almost instantly brought to boiling as I hear him use his keen mind and eloquence in the service of the Right. He says the same words as ElRushbo, but they go down easier. What put me over the edge was when he started talking positively about Sarah Palin. Seriously? What? Can he really think the woman has a original thought in her head. Come on Micheal, you know way better than that. Dennis Prager is also incredibly smart. He sounds thoughtful and intelligent and he knows a lot about a lot of things. I'd probably like him if I met him at a party. Unfortunately, he also spews the Republican party line.

But Monica Crowley is another thing altogether. Who allowed this woman on the air? She takes the vitriol of Ann Coulter and brings it to another level entirely. She is snarky and mean and insulting. She treats President Obama with disgust and disdain. And she says it all with such conviction that it's no wonder her listeners believe her river of bile. My question is this.....How does this woman sleep at night? She goes home at night and has to look at herself in the mirror and somehow she must be at peace with what she sees.

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