E. Steinberg
Dateline- Washington, D.C. - The GOP is now hard at work, rolling up their sleeves trying to repeal the Job-Killing, or as they are calling it now, in the wake of the Tucson shooting...... the Job-Crushing, Health Reform Law. I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Congress finally succeeded in passing health reform, something this country has been trying to do since Roosevelt, and the GOP knee jerk reaction is to rail against the socialist, commie takeover of healthcare.
C'mon! America is the only first world country who holds it's citizens health hostage to their employers. Other countries look at us with contempt and incredulity. Stop the nonsense. A country is only as healthy as the health of it's people. This is includes, the mental health of it's people. Neglect of our citizen's mental health will only cause more tragic scenes like Tucson.
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