Thoughtful & Timely Political Discourse Thru Blue Colored Lenses

Friday, January 14, 2011

Joe Scarbourgh - A Unique Conservative

Joe Scarbourgh, Glenn Beck/Wikipedia

by Emily Steinberg

Joe Scarbourgh continues to impress me as one of today's most grown up and responsible Republicans. He has called out Sarah Palin for her noxious running political commentary and now he has taken Glenn Beck to task for spreading fear and loathing.

Scarbourgh said: "I have a lot of family members that listen to him (Beck) and watch him and are frightened by the things that he says every night with his mom and a lot of other people like her that watch him every day start to believe if they hear every day, every day, that there's this guy in Washington D.C., this black guy that hates all white people and he wants to take your money . . . and he wants to destroy the country you grew up in. You feed that vile message to Americans every day, it's going to have an impact."

Now I'm just waiting for him to take on the Big Cahuna, El Rushbo, who continues to blithely dribble out lies and innuendo for three hours a day. Check out Rush's website and see for yourself the geyser of twisted rhetoric that spews daily from his lips and pen. It's both disturbing and very important to keep an eye on.

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