Thoughtful & Timely Political Discourse Thru Blue Colored Lenses

Friday, December 17, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell Needs to Go

by Emily Steinberg

The clock is ticking, the year is quickly winding down and the news from Congress hasn't inspired much to make us believe in the intelligence and maturity of our government. And then, in the midst of the bitter cold of it all comes the news that the Senate will vote on repeal of DADT tomorrow. Amazing, ......they are even working on Saturday! It appears that momentum is growing and that the horribly awkward and un-American law, Don't Ask Don't tell, might indeed be finally headed for the dustbin of history. When is first appeared in 1992, I thought it was a joke, something dreamed up for a SNL skit. But no, it was real and and it was the law. Americans had to lie about themselves to serve in the military.

A very good friend of mine was forced out of the Navy forty years ago because he is gay. It was a loss for him, a loss for the country and a loss for the cause of freedom. Maybe tomorrow the Senate will get rid of this holdover from a much less tolerant time. Below, from today's Huffinton Post, is a letter written by a gay soldier before he deployed to Afghanistan. Every member of the Senate and every American needs to read this letter.

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