Photo/U.S. Congress Official Portrait
by Emily Steinberg
The time has come to ask the question, What has happened to Senator John McCain? He used to be somewhat reasonable, even known for acting in a bipartisan fashion and making friends across the aisle. When he ran for President in 2000 he was amiable and had fun with the press in the back of his Straight Talk Express Bus. He seemed to enjoy the political sausage making process.
Ah, what a difference a decade makes. Ever since he emerged as the front runner in the 2008 election, he has been grumpy and snarly. Then, he committed the ultimate misjudgment of inviting Sarah Palin onto the national stage, and as if he realized his colossal mistake, but can't quite admit it, he has soured on the world. Last weekend he proclaimed it was a sad day for America when 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' was repealed. He came down on the wrong side of history, disagreeing with his pal Joe Lieberman and his wife and daughter, who all support the repeal. He has been snarky to Obama and testy towards Democrats in Congress. What's eating at John McCain? He is acting like someone who doesn't like himself anymore.
Read Joe Klein's article in Time Magazine: Two Dreams, One Dead
Well, he may not like himself! I know that I don't like him at all! He has stayed too long at the fair. He is, in short, a hate monger.