Thoughtful & Timely Political Discourse Thru Blue Colored Lenses

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Running Out The Clock

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor

by Emily Steinberg

So the GOP's best idea run-out the clock on the lame-duck congress. It's astoundingly original. But you would think that the three leaders of the Republican party, Speaker-Elect Boehner, Majority Leader-Elect Cantor and good old Minority Speaker McConnell of the Senate, would at least pay lip service to what is good for the entire country and not just for their friends at the nearest cotillion. Seriously, these guys are pushing for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires in the worst economy since the great depression (or at least since the 1970's). And...the kicker is.....they're insisting on tax cuts at the same time they are refusing to preserve unemployment payments for millions of Americans.

Wait, maybe this is actually good. Maybe they have begun to reveal themselves as the selfish & greedy toads that they are. Maybe America will wake up and see that her newest consort to the ball is just a slimy green frog and she'll say wait a minute buddy! I didn't sign up for this! Or maybe.......she'll actually kiss the toad.

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